Participant No.10
Linked: A Connective Portal
This logo is a simple descriptive image of what is the purpose of “Wattpad: What’s Hot” page. An art as meaningful as the page’s goals are focusing on connectivity. As what the description of the page given, it shows a space of exchange. The curved side that looks like an incomplete circle, remained unclosed that imprinting the openness of the page to any ideas, commentary, knowledge of an individual. The inside images and lines linking the two sides of the logo deals with the connection. As the administration wants to connect Wattpad to Facebook community, it depicts the Wattpad logo at the middle. The whole picture also shoes the abbreviation of the page’s name, which is “WWH”. Observe the first “W” in the middle that represents Wattpad, the second . depicted in the inside image formed by the shapes and the lines, and lastly is the letter “H” shown by the whole logo, the two sides and the connected bold portions on the image inside.